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Announcement date News

31 May 2021

Warm Reminder:
Application deadline is today 23:59! 

Application Procedure for Schools: 
1. Download Parent Reply Slip template, communicate with parents
2. Collect donation
3. Fill in Donation Record Form
4. Bank in donation to Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong account and save the deposit receipt 
5. Apply online via Apply Now , fill in information and upload the Donation Record Form and Deposit Receipt.
6. Staff will contact you for confirmation via email. 

12 May 2021

The Online Briefing Session has been held on 8 May, the presentation can now be reviewed via the link below,

Watch Online Briefing Session Replay

Application Procedure Guideline

19 April 2021

There will be an online briefing session to introduce the event and registration details for interested parties. 

Date: 8 May 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 10am - 11am
Format: Zoom Meeting

Online Briefing Session Registration (Finished)

1 April 2021

Application Deadline: 31 May 2021

Apply Now

Ocean Park Conservation Chill Club Day

Ocean Park Conservation Chill Club Day 2021 will be held on 30th June 2021 (Wednesday). Students and the public can take part in a causal wear day and a series of fun thematic activities to help raise funds for Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong to support the local biodiversity research and education work. We especially encourage students from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools to actively participate and get to know more about the ecology around. Let’s show our support for conservation!

With a minimum donation of $10 Hong Kong Dollars, you can wear your own adventure outfit at work or at school. Take this chance to spread your words about conservation work in a chill and fun way at workplace, school or even work/learn from home!

Ocean Park cordially invite you to join us! Take your adventure suit on, explore the biodiversity around us and share with others your exciting discoveries and experiences.

To show our appreciation on your support and participation, the names of the participating schools will be listed in our acknowledgement advertisement in major newspaper on the event day.


Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong


Ocean Park Hong Kong


June 30, 2021 (Wednesday)

[School can pick any date from June 30 – July 15 to run the event]


Local kindergartens, primary and secondary schools


Explore the biodiversity with the adventure suit on!


· To engage kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools students in Hong Kong to gain a deeper understanding on Hong Kong’s biodiversity.

· To raise funds for local biodiversity research and education work.

Activities and Resources for Kindergartens

To encourage and facilitate participating schools to promote environmental education, we designed the following activities and educational materials for the event:

  1. Online Conservation Reading Play - Online story-telling session on the event day, participants can learn and accomplish missions about butterfly, sea turtle and coral together with Whiskers & Friends.
  2. Adventure Hat DIY Kit - Whiskers & Friends will make an adventure hat together with participants. Go explore the ecology with the Hat! Participants can also join the “The Most Creative Adventurist Costume Competition” with this outfit!
  3. Zoom Virtual Background - Use this themed background and wear your adventure outfit in your virtual meetings and classes to spread the good vibes of conservation.

Activities and Resources for Primary & Secondary Schools

To encourage and facilitate participating schools to promote environmental education, we designed the following activities and educational materials for the event:

  1. Online Conservation Morning Assembly - Morning assembly on the event day to share some more conservation tips for our future smart advocates!
  2. Conservation Educational Kit - Customized educational materials to let students learn about local environmental threats and conservation efforts.
  3. Zoom Virtual Background - Use this themed background and wear your adventure outfit in your virtual meetings and classes to spread the good vibes of conservation.

Competition for Kindergartens -
The Most Creative Adventurist Costume Competition

Who is the most dazzling little adventurist? Put your adventure suit on and take a photo to share with us! To participate in the competition, the school can nominate and upload the most creative adventurist costume photos on this website. The best two will be awarded the champion and first-runner up, while the following 20 photos will be recognized with merit award. Prizes will be given to all winners.

Champion: Whisker & Friend adventure outfit +OPX tailor-made storybook + Ocean Park Admission Ticket x 8 (Valued over HKD 4,500)
First runner-up: Whisker & Friend adventure outfit +OPX tailor-made storybook + Ocean Park Admission Ticket x 4 (Valued over HKD 2,500)
Merit Award x 20 : Limited edition environmentally friendly products gift set (Valued over HKD 500)

The deadline for photo submission will be on16 July 2021 at 5 pm. The results will be announced on this website on or before 31 July 2021 and winners will be notified individually.

*All submitted photos will not be used for other commercial purpose.

Competition for Primary and Secondary Schools -
Redd’s Ecotour to School Drawing Competition

Take Redd for an ecotour in your school, and introduce the plants and animals that you explore!
The best two from primary and secondary schools will be awarded the champion and first-runner up, while the following 20 drawings will be recognized with merit award. 

Champion: Outdoor outfit gift set + Ocean Park Admission Ticket x 8 (Valued over HKD 4,500)
First runner-up: Outdoor outfit gift set + Ocean Park Admission Ticket x 4 (Valued over HKD 2,500)
Merit Award x 20 : Limited edition environmentally friendly products gift set (Valued over HKD 500)

The deadline for photo submission will be on 16 July 2021 at 5 pm. The results will be announced on this website on or before 31 July 2021and winners will be notified individually.

*Please print Redd’s Ecotour to School Drawing Competition Enrolment Form  in A3 size for the competition.
*All submissions will not be used for other commercial purpose.

Activities and Resources

Participating schools will receive the following resources to encourage students to actively participate and get to know more about the ecology around:
Kindergartens Primary & Secondary Schools Public
Special Theme Stickers  Special Theme Stickers  Special Theme Stickers 
ZOOM Virtual Background ZOOM Virtual Background ZOOM Virtual Background
Online Conservation Reading Play Online Conservation Morning Assembly  
Digital Adventure Hat DIY Kit Conservation Educational Kit  
The name of your school will be listed in the event acknowledgement advertisement in major newspapers on the event day.  

School Awards

To engage more participants, awards will be given to recognize students and schools who are actively participating in our events and fund-raising activities.

The Top Fundraising Schools 
The top three kindergartens with highest donation amount will be awarded: 
"Whiskers and Friends" Reading Day school activity
The top three primary and secondary schools with highest donation amount will be awarded:
Ocean Park signature school seminar 

The Most Active Participating Schools - Casual Wear Day and The Most Creative Adventurist Competition/ Redd’s Ecotour to School Drawing Competition.
The top three kindergartens with highest participation will be awarded: 
"Whiskers and Friends" Reading Day school activity
The top three primary and secondary schools with highest participation will be awarded:
Ocean Park signature school seminar 

Donation Method & Collection

Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong prepared the following as a token of appreciation for those who made a donation to certain amount to support their local biodiversity research and education work. 

Arrangement will be made according to the Donation Record Form submitted.
$10-99 $100-299 $300-499 $500-799 $800 or above
Casual Wear Day Casual Wear Day Casual Wear Day Casual Wear Day Casual Wear Day
Event Sticker Event Sticker Event Sticker Event Sticker Event Sticker
e-certificate e-certificate e-certificate e-certificate e-certificate
  Tax-deductible receipt Tax-deductible receipt Tax-deductible receipt Tax-deductible receipt
    Limited-edition souvenir Limited-edition souvenir Limited-edition souvenir
      2 Ocean Park Hong Kong admission tickets 2 Ocean Park Hong Kong
Water World admission tickets

Participating schools/ participants should submit their donations on or before 31 May 2021 by writing a crossed cheque payable to Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong, depositing it into HSBC Account Number: 511-509473-001, bank-in slip should be submitted alongside with registration.

Ocean Park Conservation Chill Club Day - Online Briefing Session

There will be an online briefing session to introduce the event and registration details for interested parties. 

Date: 8 May 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 10am - 11am
Format: Zoom Meeting

Online Briefing Session Registration (Finished)

Watch Online Briefing Session Replay


Kindergartens Primary & Secondary Schools Public
ZOOM Virtual Background ZOOM Virtual Background ZOOM Virtual Background
Donation Record Form Donation Record Form Donation Record Form
Parent Reply Slip Parent Reply Slip  
  Redd’s Ecotour to School Drawing Competition Enrolment Form  

Supporting Organisations

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